Webinar Miniseries

Summer Demo Days: AI in Practice

Stay cool this summer with this special immersive series exploring AI's transformative power. Weekly, our seasoned experts will show real-world applications.

From creating an AI model and mastering prompt engineering to leveraging AI for business growth, diving deep into data analysis, and exploring AI's security implications, our series covers the full spectrum of AI's potential and practicality.

Part 1: Practical Ways to Use GAI at Work

Level: Beginner🐣
Discover how to boost productivity and creativity by integrating generative AI (GAI) in your standard workday. Understand how GAI can help you reduce repetitive and predictable tasks and make your life easier.

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Part 2: What Fine-tuning an AI Model Really Means

Level: Advanced 🦅
Explore the essentials of fine-tuning AI models, clear up common misconceptions, and discover practical real-world applications. Witness the enhanced performance of a fine-tuned model and get introduced to RAG and its significance.

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Part 3: Prompt Engineering Mastery and Model Comparison

Level: Beginner🐣
Master the art of prompt engineering and gain proficiency in comparing models effectively. Equip yourself with practical tools, strategies, and real-world examples to boost your AI skills and effectiveness.

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Part 4: Enhance Data Analysis and Optimize Survey Results

Level: Beginner🐣
Discover how AI is transforming data analysis and survey tools with compelling real-world examples demonstrating its powerful insights. Experience a live AI survey tool demo, learn strategies to ensure data quality, and explore how AI can optimize survey results.

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Part 5: How to Mitigate AI Security Threats

Level: Intermediate 🐥
Gain a better understanding of AI security concerns, witness the latest cheating techniques using SLMs, and observe evasion techniques in action. Learn practical tools and strategies to counter these threats and participate in an interactive Q&A.

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